The incredible body transformation this woman has undergone is nothing short of spectacular, and shows what whole body, fitness results can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
Deanna came to us short after opening and has, in just over one year: ➡️ run 21km ➡️ lost 10kg ➡️ achieved a bodyweight deadlift ➡️ hit 25 push ups in a row ➡️ smashed her first pull up ➡️ did A BOX JUMP! (this was included die to Deanna’s irrational fear of jumping on boxes)
It’s easy to look at this and say ‘well that’s fine, but she is awesome and there’s no way I can do that’. And she is awesome! …But like everybody battling weight loss there have been ups and down, tough times and good.
We’re currently pulling back from focusing on food and dialling in on some strength progression to shift focus away from tracking and macros and into fitness training.
It’s so important to be able to stop and see how far you’ve come, to not look at what you haven’t achieved but what you HAVE, the challenges you’ve overcome and the lessons you’ve learned. There will be hardship and there will be mistakes, and it’s so, so important to stick with it, pick yourself and keep on going.
‘Even if you slip and fall, as long as you get back up you’ll get there in the end’ – Deanna (maybe)